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Catalogue of Type Specimens of Recent Fishes in Field Museum of Natural History
Myriam Ibarra Donald J. Stewart
September 30, 1987 Publication 1 ;
Catalogue of Type Specimens of Recent Fishes in Field Museum of Natural History
Myriam Ibarra and Donald J. Stewart
Division of Fishes Department of Zoology Field Museum of Natural History Chicago, Illinois 60605-2496
Present address: Center for Limnology University of Wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin 53706
Accepted for publication August 7, 1985 September 30, 1987 Publication 1377
© 1987 Field Museum of Natural History Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 87-81351
Table of Contents List of Illustrations
Abstract 1 1 . Frequency histogram for number of
Introduction 1 species of Recent fishes described in each
Format of the List 3 year through 1 984 that are represented
List of Types by type material in Field Museum of
Arranged Alphabetically by Genus 4 Natural History 2
List of Taxa Represented by Types
Arranged Alphabetically by Family 86
Acknowledgments 104
Literature Cited 104
Species Index 105
Catalogue of Type Specimens of Recent Fishes in Field Museum of Natural History
We list 1 ,406 nominal taxa of Recent fishes for which there are type specimens present in Field Museum of Natural History, including 837 ho- lotypes, eight lectotypes, three neotypes, 48 taxa represented by syntypes, and 5 1 0 taxa represented only by secondary types. A large proportion of the species was described between 1905 and 1930 by Seth E. Meek, Samuel F. Hildebrand, Carl H. Ei- genmann, David S. Jordan, and their associates. About 500 primary types came to Field Museum in 1 952 with the purchase of the Carnegie Museum of Natural History fish collection. The main list of types presented here is arranged alphabetically by genus; each entry includes genus, species, and subspecies (if any) as it was originally proposed; author(s) and year of publication; family where the taxon is presently classified; abbreviated lit- erature citation to original description; current type status; catalogue numbers) for primary types; to- tal number of syntypes and secondary types; and brief locality information. In a few cases, com- ments are included to indicate discrepancies in previously published spellings or catalogue num- bers, citations to subsequent designations of neo- types and lectotypes, and status of the material if uncertain. Also included are a list of the same taxa arranged by family and an alphabetical index of species.
Field Museum of Natural History is one of sev- en recognized international depositories of Recent fishes in North America and is ranked among the
top five in the United States and Canada with respect to its type holdings (Collette & Lachner, 1976; Nitecki, 1980). The collection includes type material for 1,406 nominal taxa, of which 896 are represented by primary types (including 837 ho- lotypes, eight lectotypes, three neotypes, and 48 taxa represented by syntypes). This catalogue was prepared in response to Recommendation 17D(4) of the International Code of Zoological Nomen- clature (ICZN) to publish information on holdings of type materials. It also stems from our sense of obligation to the international community of sys- tematic ichthyologists to provide the best possible curation for the types that have been entrusted to this institution since it was founded in 1893.
The type specimens of Recent fishes in Field Museum's collection stem from (1) exploratory fieldwork and systematic research of curators and associates, (2) purchase of the fish collection of the Carnegie Museum, Pittsburgh, in 1952, and (3) gifts and exchanges received from researchers throughout the world. Acquisition of the Carnegie Museum collection, with about 500 taxa repre- sented by primary types, more than doubled the type collection at Field Museum. Most of the taxa in the collection were described after 1900, and a large proportion of them between 1905 and 1930 (fig. 1). Most of the specimens in our collection from that time period were described by Seth E. Meek (Field Museum), Samuel F. Hildebrand (United States National Museum), Carl H. Eigen- mann (Indiana University), David S. Jordan (Stanford University), and their associates.
This catalogue represents a synthesis of infor- mation presented in two previously published type lists (Henn, 1928; Grey, 1947) with that in our catalogues and associated recent literature. Henn (1928) reported only the primary types in the Car-
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negie Museum collection, while Grey (1947) listed all types in Field Museum. These two lists cover about 1,000 of our 1,406 taxa. In preparing this catalogue, the published lists and subsequent cat- alogue entries were checked against all jars on the shelf and outstanding loan invoices. A first draft of this list was then prepared, and nearly every entry was checked against the original publication. Those few taxa for which we were not able to get a copy of the original publication were included only if the names were clearly established in the literature; references for all such taxa (i.e., five species) are indicated as "not seen."
This list includes the types of all taxa present in Field Museum's fish collection that, to our knowl- edge, were described by mid- 1985 when the final revision of this catalogue was submitted. It seems likely that a few other species based in part on FMNH materials were published in the last few months, but that we have not received a copy of the paper(s). The fish collections of Field Museum include specimens for about 50 taxa which have been labeled "manuscript types", none of which were included in this list. We were able to trace most of these hopeful taxa to determine their pres- ent status, but a few remain unresolved. We urge colleagues who find omissions or other errors in this list to notify Division of Fishes staff at Field Museum so that records can be updated.
Format of the List
The list of types is arranged alphabetically by genus and, within each genus, by species or sub- species as it was originally proposed without sub- sequent relocation. Information included for each species is as follows:
Genus— This is spelled as it appears in the orig- inal description of the species, except where an emendation is clearly called for according to the rules of the ICZN, or where the author apparently used an inappropriate emendation of a previously published generic name. In almost every such case, the spelling used here has appeared in the recent literature. When the spelling used here differs from that used in the species description, the presumed incorrect spelling is given in a comment at the end of the entry. Subgeneric assignments were includ- ed in some species descriptions, but are omitted here.
Species and Subspecies— These are spelled as they appear in the original description, except that
diacritical marks and hyphens have been deleted as recommended by the ICZN (i.e., hyphens are retained only in species names such as x-puncta- ta). In a few cases, the original publication in- cluded a typographic error; such names are cor- rected to agree with current usage, and a comment to that effect is added at the end of the entry.
Author(s) and Date— The surname of the au- thors) of the species is given followed by the year in which the publication was issued.
Literature Reference— Title of the journal where the description was published is abbrevi- ated (using BIOSIS, 1981, where possible) and followed by volume number, issue number in pa- rentheses, and page number on which the descrip- tion begins. Some book titles are abbreviated. When authorship of the publication differed from that of the species described within, author(s) of the publication precedes the title of the journal or book.
Primary Types— Categories used here for pri- mary types are holotype, syntype(s), lectotype, and neotype. Field Museum of Natural History (FMNH) catalogue numbers are given for all pri- mary types, and for former Carnegie Museum (CM) types, catalogue numbers are given in parentheses after FMNH number. For syntypes, the total num- ber of specimens is given just ahead of the cata- logue number(s). Missing types are indicated as such, and omission of a catalogue number means simply that no catalogue entry was ever made for the missing lot. A question mark indicates some uncertainty about type status of our material, and the problem is discussed at the end of the entry. If a lectotype or neotype has been designated, the relevant literature reference is given. Finally, the type locality is presented in general terms. Geo- graphic and geopolitical place names have been changed in some cases to agree with modern usage (e.g., Guyana for British Guiana). We follow Bar- tholomew et al. (1980) for spellings of many of the place names.
Secondary Types— Categories of secondary types used here are paratype, lectoparatype, and allotype. Allotypes are considered equivalent to paratypes, but they are catalogued separately in the collection. The total number of secondary types is given followed by brief locality information. We consider secondary types to be all materials other than primary types that were used by the author to describe the taxon. Many early workers and occasionally recent workers gave incomplete data on the secondary types, and deciding which should be considered as such is, in some cases, subjective.
We excluded any material for which there was not at least a vague reference to the collection locality in the original description. In this regard, we differ from Grey (1947) who included materials from localities not given in the original description. We also excluded specimens which were not explicitly called types in the original description and indi- cated by the author as differing in some way from the other types.
Family— Assignment of each taxon to a family and spelling of family names follows Nelson ( 1 984) for most entries, because that work is the most recent and comprehensive synthesis dealing with all of the world's fish families. We differ from Nel- son ( 1 984) and follow Robins et al. ( 1 980) for the more widely used spellings of Cobitidae, Eleotri- dae, Engraulidae, and Paralepidae.
List of Types
Arranged Alphabetically by Genus
Abudefduf lorenzi Hensley and Allen, 1977 Rec. W. Aust. Mus., 6(1): 109. Holotype: FMNH 23564. Solomon Islands: Is- abel Island, Tenibuli Bay. Paratypes: 2. Solomon and Philippine Islands:
2 localities. POMACENTRIDAE
Acahara jusanensis Jordan and Hubbs, 1925 Mem. Carnegie Mus., 10(2): 180. Holotype: FMNH 58722 (CM 7828). Japan:
Lake Jusan near Aomori. CYPRINIDAE
Acanthemblemaria greenfieldi Smith-Vaniz and Palacio, 1974
Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 125(1 1): 210. Paratypes: 7. Belize: Glover's Reef. CHAENOPSIDAE
Acanthicus canensis Meek and Hildcbrand. 1913 Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Zoo!. Ser., 10(8): 80. Holotype: FMNH 7581. Panama: Rio Cana,
Cana. Paratypes: 30. Panama: 2 localities. LORICARIIDAE
Acanthocharax microlepis Eigenmann, 1912 Mem. Carnegie Mus., 5: 405. Holotype: FMNH 54475 (CM 2138). Guyana:
Tumatumari. Paratypes: 3 1 . Guyana: 3 localities. CHARACIDAE
Acanthophacelus bifurcus Eigenmann, 1909 Ann. Carnegie Mus., 6(1): 52. Holotype: FMNH 53539 (CM 1088). Guyana:
Christianburg. Paratypes: 36. Guyana: 2 localities. POECILIIDAE
Acanthophacelus melanzonus Eigenmann, 1909 Ann. Carnegie Mus., 6(1): 51. Holotype: FMNH 52717 (CM 1086). Guyana:
Georgetown Trenches. Paratypes: 6. Same locality. POECILIIDAE
Acanthophthalmus mariae Inger and Chin, 1962 Fieldiana Zool., 45: 118. Holotype: FMNH 68161. Malaysia: Sabah, trib- utary of Kinabatangan at Deramakot. Paratypes: 112. Malaysia: Sabah, 2 localities. COBITIDAE
Acanthophthalmus sandakanensis Inger and Chin, 1962
Fieldiana Zool., 45: 120. Holotype: FMNH 68158. Malaysia: Sabah, Se-
pilok Forest Reserve. Paratypes: 36. Malaysia: Sabah, 4 localities. COBITIDAE
Acanthoplesiops hiatti Schultz, 1953 Bull. U.S. Natl. Mus., 202(1): 407. Paratype. Marshall Islands: Bikini Atoll, Boro
Acanthurus randalli Briggs and Caldwell, 1957 Bull. Fla. State Mus. Biol. Sci., 2(4): 43. Paratype. Florida: Bay County near Panama
Acanthurus triostegus marquesensis Schultz and Woods, 1948
J. Wash. Acad. Sci., 38(7): 250. Paratypes: 5. Marquesas Islands: 2 localities. ACANTHURIDAE
Acestridium discus Haseman, 1911 Ann. Carnegie Mus., 7(3-4): 319. Holotype: FMNH 54339 (CM 2985). Brazil: Igarape de Cachoeira Grande, near Man- aus. Paratype. Same locality. LORICARIIDAE
Acestrorhynchus altus Menezes, 1 969 Arq. Zool. (Sao Paulo), 18(1-2): 52. Paratypes: 10. Brazil: Mato Grosso, Descal-
Acestrorhynchus guianensis Menezes, 1 969 Arq. Zool. (Sao Paulo), 18(1-2): 70. Holotype: FMNH 74359. Guyana: Botanic
Garden. Paratypes: 7. Guyana: 4 localities. CHARACIDAE
Acestrorhynchus nasutus Eigenmann, 1912 Mem. Carnegie Mus., 5: 411. Holotype: FMNH 53475 (CM 1959). Guyana:
Acheilognathus barbatus Nichols, 1926 Am. Mus. Nov., 214: 6. Paratype. China: Anhwei, Ningkwo. CYPRINIDAE
Acheilognathus gracilis Nichols, 1 926 Am. Mus. Nov., 214: 5. Paratype. China: Hunan, Tungting Lake. CYPRINIDAE
Acheilognathus tabira Jordan and Thompson, 1914
Mem. Carnegie Mus., 6(4): 220. Holotype: FMNH 57071 (CM 6007). Japan:
Lake Biwa at Matsubara. Paratypes: 4 1 . Same locality. CYPRINIDAE
Achirus fluviatilis Meek and Hildebrand, 1928 Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Zool. Ser., 15(3): 1002. Paratypes: 40. Panama: 4 localities. SOLEIDAE
Adontosternarchus clarkae Mago-Leccia, Lund- berg, and Baskin, 1985
Nat. Hist. Mus. Los Ang. Cty. Contrib. Sci., 358: 14. Paratypes: 6. Colombia and Ecuador: 2 locali- ties. APTERONOTIDAE
Adontosternarchus devenanzii Mago-Leccia, Lundberg, and Baskin, 1985 Nat. Hist. Mus. Los Ang. Cty. Contrib. Sci., 358: 11. Paratypes: 12. Venezuela: Rio Orinoco, north
of Isla Tres Canos. APTERONOTIDAE
Aequidens awani Haseman, 1911
Ann. Carnegie Mus., 7(3-4): 335. Holotype: FMNH 54036 (CM 2576). Brazil: Sao
Antonio de Guapore. Paratype. Same locality. CICHLIDAE
Aequidens azurifer Fowler, 1911
Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 63: 515. Paratype. Ecuador: near Bucay. CICHLIDAE
Aequidens chimantanus Inger, 1956 Fieldiana Zool., 34(37): 437. Holotype: FMNH 45702. Venezuela: Rio Aba-
capa, west side of Chimanta-tepui. Paratypes: 2. Same locality. CICHLIDAE
Aequidens duopunctata Haseman, 1911 Ann. Carnegie Mus., 7(3-4): 338. Holotype: FMNH 54033 (CM 2573). Brazil:
Manaus. Paratype. Same locality. CICHLIDAE
Acipenser oxyrhynchus desotoi Vladykov, 1955 J. Fish. Res. Board Can., 12(5): 755. Paratype. Mississippi: off Gautier at mouth of
Aequidens guaporensis Haseman, 1911 Ann. Carnegie Mus., 7(3-4): 335. Holotype: FMNH 54035 (CM 2575). Brazil: Sao
Antonio de Guapore. CICHLIDAE
Adioryx poco Woods, 1965 Not. Nat. (Phila.), 377: 1. Paratype. Grand Cayman Island: north side of
Aequidens mariae Eigenmann, 1922 Mem. Carnegie Mus., 9(1): 240. Paratypes: 3. Colombia: Rio Negro at Villavi-
Aequidens plagiozonatus Kullandcr, 1984 Zool. Scr., 13(2): 155. Paratype. Brazil: Descalvados. CICHLIDAE
Aequidens potaroensis Eigenmann, 1912 Mem. Carnegie Mus., 5: 490. Holotype: FMNH 53892 (CM 2407). Guyana:
Amatuk. Paratypes: 79. Guyana: 14 localities. CICHLIDAE
Ageneiosus guianensis Eigenmann, 1912 Mem. Carnegie Mus., 5: 204. Holotype: FMNH 53247 (CM 1712). Guyana:
Ageneiosus madeirensis Fisher, 1917 Ann. Carnegie Mus., 1 1(3-4): 426. Holotype: FMNH 58143 (CM 7143). Bolivia:
San Joaquin. Paratypes: 14. Same locality. AGENEIOSIDAE
Ageneiosus marmoratus Eigenmann, 1912 Mem. Carnegie Mus., 5: 206. Holotype: FMNH 53245 (CM 1710). Guyana:
creek below Potaro Landing. AGENEIOSIDAE
Agmus lyriformis Eigenmann, 1912 Mem. Carnegie Mus., 5: 128. Holotype: FMNH 53120 (CM 1554). Guyana:
Agoniates anchovia Eigenmann, 1914 Indiana Univ. Stud., 19: 46. Holotype: FMNH 56401 (CM 5216). Bolivia:
Villa Bella. Paratypes: 8. Same locality. CHARACIDAE
Agosia adobe Jordan and Evcrmann, 1 89 1 Bull. U.S. Fish Comm. 1889, 9: 36. Paratypes: 3. Utah: Sevier River near Juab. CYPRINIDAE
Agosia yarrowi Jordan and Evermann, 1891 Bull. U.S. Fish Comm. 1889, 9: 28. Syntypes: 21, FMNH 1878, 6688. Colorado:
Tomichi Creek, Gunnison. CYPRINIDAE
\ I l)u la virgata Jordan and Jordan, 1922 Mem. Carnegie Mus., 10(1): 6. Holotype: FMNH 55190 (CM 3896). Hawaiian
Islands: Honolulu. ALBULIDAE
Alburnops illecebrosus Girard, 1857
Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1856: 194. Lectoparatype. Arkansas: Arkansas River, Fort Smith. Lectotype designated by Meek (In: Jordan, 1885, Proc. U.S. Natl. Mus., 8(500): 123). CYPRINIDAE
Alectis breviventralis Wakiya, 1924 Ann. Carnegie Mus., 15(2-3): 216. Holotype: FMNH 5941 1 (CM 7753). Japan: Kii. Paratype. Same locality. CARANGIDAE
Alectis temmincki Wakiya, 1924
Ann. Carnegie Mus., 15(2-3): 215. Holotype: FMNH 59410 (CM 7752). Japan:
Bonin Islands. CARANGIDAE
Alepideleotris tigris Herre, 1935
Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Zool. Ser., 18(12): 413. Holotype: FMNH 17348. Ecuador: Islas Gala- pagos, Isla South Seymour. ELEOTRIDAE
Alepocephalus owstoni Tanaka, 1908
J. Coll. Sci. Imp. Univ. Tokyo, 23(7): 27. Holotype: FMNH 89529. Japan: Sagami Sea
outside Okinose. ALEPOCEPHALIDAE
Alepocephalus umbriceps Jordan and Thompson, 1914
Mem. Carnegie Mus., 6(4): 209. Holotype: (CM 6030) MISSING. Japan: Aomo-
Alestes langi Fowler, 1935
Ann. Transvaal Mus., 16(2): 258. Paratypes: 3. Botswana: Thamalakane River at
Alestes thamalakanensis Fowler, 1935 Ann. Transvaal Mus., 16(2): 257. Paratypes: 5. Botswana: Thamalakane River at
Alfaro acutiventralis Meek, 1912
Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Zool. Ser., 10(7): 72. Holotype: FMNH 7679. Costa Rica: Guapilis. Allotype and paratypes: 31. Same locality. POECILIIDAE
Algansea aphanea Barbour and Miller, 1978
Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 155: 21. Paratypes: 10. Mexico: Jalisco, Rio Ayutla. CYPRINIDAE
Algansea monticola Barbour and Contreras, 1968 Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 81: 101. Paratypes: 2. Mexico: Zacatecas, Rio Juchipila
near Jalpa. CYPRINIDAE
Algansea rubescens Meek, 1 902
Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Zool. Ser., 3(6): 78. Holotype: FMNH 3653. Mexico: Rio Santiago
at Ocotlan. Paratypes: 8. Same locality. CYPRINIDAE
Allanetta crenolepis Schultz, 1953
Bull. U.S. Natl. Mus., 202(1): 302. Paratypes: 3. Philippine Islands: Tara Island. ATHERINIDAE
Allolepis hollandi Jordan and Hubbs, 1925 Mem. Carnegie Mus., 10(2): 323. Holotype: FMNH 58842 (CM 7952). Sea of Ja- pan: near Fukui. ZOARCIDAE
Alosa ohiensis Evermann, 1902
Rept. U.S. Fish Comm. 1901, 27: 277. Paratype. Kentucky: Ohio River at Louisville. CLUPEIDAE
Alticus novemmaculosus Snyder, 1908 Proc. U.S. Natl. Mus., 35(1635): 107. Paratypes: 129. Japan: Ryukyu Islands, Oki- nawa, Naha. BLENNIIDAE
Ambassis lafa Jordan and Seale, 1906 Bull. Bur. Fish. 1905, 25: 253. Paratypes: 16. Samoan Islands: Apia. CENTROPOMIDAE
Ambassis vaivasensis Jordan and Seale, 1 906 Bull. Bur. Fish. 1905, 25: 254. Paratypes: 3. Samoan Islands: Vaivase River,
Amblygobius myersi Herre, 1935
Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Zool. Ser., 18(12): 426. Holotype: FMNH 17352. Solomon Islands: New
Amblypharyngodon grandisquamis Jordan and Starks, 1917
Ann. Carnegie Mus., 1 1: 438. Holotype: FMNH 58964 (CM 8050). Sri Lanka:
Ceylon River at Colombo. Paratypes: 17. Same locality. CYPRINIDAE
Ameiurus australis Meek, 1 904
Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Zool. Ser., 5: 13. Holotype: FMNH 4474. Mexico: Tamaulipas, Forlon. Spelled Amiurus in Meek (1904). ICTALURIDAE
Ameiurus mexicanus Meek, 1 904
Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Zool. Ser., 5: 15. Holotype: FMNH 4507. Mexico: San Luis Po-
tosi, Rascon. Paratypes: 3. Mexico: San Luis Potosi, 2 local- ities. Spelled Amiurus in Meek (1904). ICTALURIDAE
Amia sialis Jordan and Thompson, 1914 Mem. Carnegie Mus., 6: 246. Holotype: FMNH 57084 (CM 602 1 ). Japan: Su-
Ammocryptocharax elegans Weitzman and Ka- nazawa, 1976
Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 89(26): 331. Paratypes: 7. Colombia: Rio Vichada basin,
Cano Muco west of Puerto Gaitan. CHARACIDAE
Anarchias yoshiae Kanazawa, 1952 Fieldiana Zool., 34(7): 75. Holotype: FMNH 48729. Bermuda: ship's
Anchoa hepsetus colonensis Hildebrand, 1943 Bull. Bingham Oceanogr. Collect. Yale Univ., 8(2): 60. Paratypes: 1 2. Jamaica. ENGRAULIDAE
Anchoa lamprotaenia Hildebrand, 1943
Bull. Bingham Oceanogr. Collect. Yale Univ., 8(2): 62. Paratypes: 86. Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean
Sea: 7 localities. ENGRAULIDAE
Ancistrus lithurgicus Eigenmann, 1912 Mem. Carnegie Mus., 5: 241. Holotype: FMNH 53091 (CM 1524). Guyana:
Crab Falls. Paratypes: 5. Same locality. LORICARIIDAE
Anchoa mitchilli diaphana Hildebrand, 1943 Bull. Bingham Oceanogr. Collect. Yale Univ., 8(2): 91. Paratypes: 10. Louisiana: Grande Isle. ENGRAULIDAE
Anchovia arenicola Meek and Hildebrand, 1923 Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Zool. Ser., 15(1): 201. Paratypes: 122. Panama: 4 localities. ENGRAULIDAE
Anchovia brevirostra Meek and Hildebrand, 1923
Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Zool. Sen, 15(1): 198.
Paratypes: 10. Panama: Canal Zone, Balboa Bay
Anchovia eigenmannia Meek and Hildebrand, 1 923 Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Zool. Ser., 15(1): 205. Paratypes: 7. Panama: Taboga Island, Balboa. ENGRAULIDAE
Anchovia elongata Meek and Hildebrand, 1923 Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Zool. Ser., 15(1): 198. Paratypes: 3. Panama: Canal Zone, Mindi Cut. ENGRAULIDAE
Anchovia parva Meek and Hildebrand, 1923 Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Zool. Ser., 15(1): 202. Paratypes: 24. Panama: 2 localities. ENGRAULIDAE
Anchoviella belizensis Thomerson and Greenfield, 1975
Copeia, 1975(1): 50. Holotype: FMNH 78363. Belize: Sibun River. Paratypes: 35. Same locality. ENGRAULIDAE
Anchoviella helleri Hubbs, 1921 Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 34: 47. Holotype: FMNH 3332. Mexico: Baja Califor- nia, Bahia San Felipe. Paratypes: 2. Same locality. ENGRAULIDAE
Ancistrus melas Eigenmann, 1916 Ann. Carnegie Mus., 10(1-2): 83. Holotype: FMNH 58339 (CM 7335). Colombia:
Condoto. Paratype. Colombia: Raspadura. LORICARIIDAE
Ancistrus planiceps Meek and Hildebrand, 1913 Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Zool. Ser., 10(8): 79. Holotype: FMNH 7580. Panama: Rio Tuyra,
Boca de Cupe. Paratypes: 16. Panama: 6 localities. LORICARIIDAE
Ancistrus spinosus Meek and Hildebrand, 1916 Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Zool. Ser., 10(15): 252. Holotype: FMNH 8942. Panama: Rio Calobre. LORICARIIDAE
Ancylopsetta antillarum Gutherz, 1 966 Bull. Mar. Sci., 16(3): 449. Paratypes: 2. Caribbean Sea: 2 localities. BOTHIDAE
Ancylopsetta cycloidea Tyler, 1959 Copeia, 1959(2): 140. Paratypes: 9. Western Atlantic Ocean: 2 local- ities. BOTHIDAE
Ancylopsetta kumperae Tyler, 1959 Copeia, 1959(2): 143. Paratypes: 2. Western Atlantic Ocean: 2 local- ities. BOTHIDAE
Ancylopsetta microctenus Gutherz, 1 966 Bull. Mar. Sci., 16(3): 455. Paratypes: 2. Caribbean Sea. BOTHIDAE
Anduzedoras arleoi Fernandez- Yepez, 1968
Bol. Inst. Oceanogr. Univ. Oriente, 7(1): 29. Holotype: FMNH 84068. Venezuela: Rio Au-
tana, east of Puerto Ayacucho. DORADIDAE
Anduzedoras copei Fernandez- Yepez, 1 968
Bol. Inst. Oceanogr. Univ. Oriente, 7(1): 31. Holotype: FMNH 84069. Venezuela: Lagoon at
side of Rio Capanaparo. DORADIDAE
Anisotremus williamsi Meek, 1 905 Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 18: 241. Holotype: FMNH 3350. Brazil: Santos. Paratypes: 3. Same locality. Misspelled Anisotrema in Meek (1905); wil- liamsoni in Grey (1947, p. 1 16). HAEMULIDAE
Anthias woodsi Anderson and Heemstra, 1 980 Copeia, 1980(1): 74. Holotype: FMNH 70709. Straits of Florida: off
Dry Tortugas. Paratypes: 2. Straits of Florida ofT Dry Tortugas:
2 localities. SERRANIDAE
Antigonia combatia Berry and Rathjen, 1958 Q. J. Ha. Acad. Sci., 21(3): 255. Paratypes: 52. Gulf of Mexico and off Cuba: 9
localities. CAPROIDAE
Anoplarchus purpurescens archolepis Hubbs, 1 926 Pap. Mich. Acad. Sci. Arts and Lett., 7: 375. Paratypes: 34. California: 6 localities. Misspelled purpurascens in Grey (1947, p. 118). STICHAEIDAE
Anostomus plicatus Eigenmann, 1912 Mem. Carnegie Mus., 5: 296. Holotype: FMNH 53393 (CM 1861). Guyana:
Crab Falls. Paratypes: 3. Guyana: 3 localities. ANOSTOMIDAE
Antennarius bermudensis Schultz, 1957 Proc. U.S. Natl. Mus., 107(3383): 98. Paratype. Bermuda: Harrington Sound. ANTENNARIIDAE
Antennarius pauciradiatus Schultz, 1957 Proc. U.S. Natl. Mus., 107(3383): 100. Paratypes: 2. Florida: south end of Biscayne Bay. ANTENNARIIDAE
Antennarius verrucosus Bean, 1 906 Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 19: 31. Holotype: FMNH 4853. Bermuda: Saint
George's Island. ANTENNARIIDAE
Anthias conspicuus Heemstra, 1973 Copeia, 1973(2): 200. Paratypes: 1 2. India: Arabian Sea, off Bombay. SERRANIDAE
Anthias mooreanus Herre, 1935
Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Zool. Ser., 18(12): 405. Holotype: FMNH 1 7325. Society Islands: Moo-
rea Island. SERRANIDAE
Antigonia ma la > ana Weber, 1913
Die Fische der Siboga-Expedition, Leiden, p. 299. Syntype: FMNH 52432 (CM 689). Arafura Sea. CAPROIDAE
Apareiodon hasemani Eigenmann, 1916 Ann. Carnegie Mus., 10(1-2): 75. Holotype: FMNH 57615 (CM 6587). Brazil:
Pirapora. Paratypes: 59. Brazil: 5 localities. PARODONTIDAE
Apareiodon itapicuruensis Eigenmann and Henn, 1916
Ann. Carnegie Mus., 10(1-2): 72. Holotype: FMNH 56988 (CM 5804). Brazil: Rio
Itapicurii basin, Rio Paiaia. Paratypes: 7. Brazil: 2 localities. PARODONTIDAE
Aparrius aurocingulus Herre, 1935
Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Zool. Sen, 18(12): 425. Holotype: FMNH 17353. Fiji Islands: Ovalau
Island. Paratypes: 2. Same locality. GOBIIDAE
Aphyocharax anisitsi Eigenmann and Kennedy, 1903
Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 59: 517. Paratypes: 2. Paraguay: Campo Grande. CHARACIDAE
Aphyocharax erythrurus Eigenmann, 1912 Mem. Carnegie Mus., 5: 313. Holotype: FMNH 53579 (CM 1879). Guyana:
Rockstone sand-bank. Paratypes: 14. Guyana: 3 localities. CHARACIDAE
Aphyocharax mc la not us Eigenmann, 1912 Mem. Carnegie Mus., 5: 312. Holotype: FMNH 53578 (CM 1877). Guyana:
Rockstone sand-bank. CHARACIDAE
Aplocheilus luzonensis Herre and Ablan, 1 934 Philipp. J. Sci., 54(2): 275. Paratypes: 4. Philippine Islands: Luzon, Ilocos
Norte, Solsona. APLOCHEIL1DAE
Aphyocharax paraguayensis Eigenmann, 1915 Mem. Carnegie Mus., 7(1): 33. Holotype: FMNH 57922 (CM 6906). Brazil:
Caceres. Paratype. Same locality. CHARACIDAE
Aphyocheirodon hemigrammus Eigenmann, 1915 Mem. Carnegie Mus., 7(1): 59. Holotype: FMNH 578 19 (CM 6802). Brazil: Ja-
quara. Paratypes: 25. Brazil: 3 localities. CHARACIDAE
Aphyodite grammica Eigenmann, 1912 Mem. Carnegie Mus., 5: 314. Holotype: FMNH 53408 (CM 1882). Guyana:
Ypistogramma caetei Kullandcr. 1980 Bonn. Zool. Monogr., 14: 76. Holotype: FMNH 54164 (CM 2732). Brazil:
Para, Igarape in Braganca. Paratypes: 2. Same locality. CICHLIDAE
Apistogramma inconspicua Kullander, 1 982 Zool. Scr., 1 1(4): 307. Paratypes: 3. Brazil: Sao Luiz de Caceres. CICHLIDAE
Apistogramma macmasteri Kullander. 1979 Zool. Scr.. 8: 70. Paratype. Colombia: Villavicencio. CICHLIDAE
Aplatophis chauliodus Boh Ike, 1956 Not. Nat. (Phila.), 289: 3. Holotype: FMNH 61772. Puerto Rico: Maya-
giiez pier. OPHICHTHIDAE
Apogon a bo Herre, 1935
Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Zool. Ser., 18(12): 402. Holotype: FMNH 17307. New Guinea: Sepik
River at Koragu. Paratypes: 3. New Guinea: 2 localities. APOGON I DAE
Apogon beauforti Weber, 1908 Nova Guinea, 5(2): 246. Syntypes: 3, FMNH 52390 (CM 646). New
Guinea: Lake Sentani. APOGONIDAE
Apogon leptocaulus Gilbert, 1972
Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 85(36): 421. Paratype. Belize: Glover's Reef. APOGONIDAE
Apogon nigrofasciatus Lachner, 1953 Bull. U.S. Natl. Mus., 202(1): 466. Paratypes: 3. Marshall Islands: Bikini Atoll, 2
localities. APOGONIDAE
Apogon snyderi Jordan and Evermann, 1903 Bull. U.S. Fish Comm. 1902, 22: 180. Paratypes: 2. Hawaiian Islands: Hilo. APOGONIDAE
Apogon wichmanni Weber, 1 908 Nova Guinea, 5(2): 248. Syntype: FMNH 52389 (CM 645). New Guinea:
Lake Sentani. APOGONIDAE
Apogonichthys melampodus Blosser, 1909 Ann. Carnegie Mus., 6(1): 296. Holotype: FMNH 53049 (CM 1474). Lesser An- tilles: Saint Croix. APOGONIDAE
Aplocheilus chobensis Fowler, 1935 Ann. Transvaal Mus., 16(2): 276. Paratypes: 4. Botswana: Chobe River at Ka-
Apuredoras rivasi Fernandez- Yepez, 1950
Mem. Soc. Cienc. Nat. La Salle, 10(27): 195. Paratypes: 7. Venezuela: Rio Apure near San
Araiophos gracilis Grey, 1 96 1 Pac. Sci., 15(3): 465. Holotype: FMNH 73901. Hawaiian Islands: off
Mauna Loa lava flow. Paratypes: 8. Same locality. STERNOPTYCHIDAE
Archicheir minutus Eigenmann, 1909 Ann. Carnegie Mus., 6(1): 46. Holotype: FMNH 52786 (CM 1186). Guyana:
Christianburg. LEBIASINIDAE
Archosargus oviceps Ginsburg, 1952 J. Wash. Acad. Sci., 42(3): 94. Paratypes: 2. Texas: Harbor Island. SPARIDAE
Areliscus hollandi Jordan and Metz, 1913 Mem. Carnegie Mus., 6(1): 62. Holotype: FMNH 55627 (CM 4369). Korea:
Argentina aliceae Cohen and Atsaides, 1969 U.S. Fish Wildl. Serv. Fish. Bull., 68(1): 19. Paratypes: 5. Pacific Ocean: off Peru. ARGENTINIDAE
Argentina brucei Cohen and Atsaides, 1969 U.S. Fish Wildl. Serv. Fish. Bull., 68(1): Paratypes: 20. Caribbean Sea: 7 localities. ARGENTINIDAE
Argentina georgei Cohen and Atsaides, 1 969 U.S. Fish Wildl. Serv. Fish. Bull., 68(1): 27. Paratypes: 3. Bahama Banks and Antilles: 3 lo- calities. ARGENTINIDAE
Argentina stewarti Cohen and Atsaides, 1 969 U.S. Fish Wildl. Serv. Fish. Bull., 68(1): 29. Paratypes: 4. Antilles: 3 localities. ARGENTINIDAE
\ rius kanganamanensis Herre, 1935
Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Zool. Ser., 18(12): 387. Holotype: FMNH 17194. New Guinea: Sepik
River at Kanganaman. ARIIDAE
Arius nox Herre, 1935
Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Zool. Ser., 18(12): 388. Holotype: FMNH 17195. New Guinea: Sepik
River at Nyaurangai. Paratypes: 5. New Guinea: 2 localities. ARIIDAE
Arius solidus Herre, 1935
Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Zool. Ser., 18(12): 385. Holotype: FMNH 17201. New Guinea: Sepik
River at Timbunke. Paratypes: 9. New Guinea: Sepik River, 3 lo- calities. ARIIDAE
Arius tuyra Meek and Hildebrand, 1923
Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Zool. Ser., 15(1): 128. Paratypes: 5. Panama: 2 localities. ARIIDAE
Asiphonichthys hemigrammus Eigenmann, 1912 Mem. Carnegie Mus., 5: 403. Holotype: FMNH 53665 (CM 2137). Guyana:
Gluck Island. CHARACIDAE
Aspidoras maculosus Nijssen and Isbrucker, 1976 Bijdr. Dierkd., 46(1): 119. Holotype: FMNH 54810 (CM 3457). Brazil: Rio
Paiaia. Paratypes: 6. Brazil: 3 localities. CALLICHTHYIDAE
Astroblepus cyclopus santanderensis Eigenmann, 1917
Proc. Am. Philos. Soc., 56(7): 675. Lectotype: FMNH 58433 (CM 7430). Colom- bia: Quebrada de Guapota. Lectoparatypes: 30. Colombia: 8 localities.
Lectotype designated by Henn (1928, p. 82). ASTROBLEPIDAE
Astroblepus frenatus Eigenmann, 1917 Proc. Am. Philos. Soc., 56(7): 676. Holotype: FMNH 58384 (CM 7380). Colombia:
Quebrada de San Joaquin. ASTROBLEPIDAE
Astroblepus grixalvii micrescens Eigenmann, 1917 Proc. Am. Philos. Soc., 56(7): 677. Holotype: FMNH 58376 (CM 7372). Colombia:
Quebrada de Agua Larga. Paratypes: 41. Colombia: 9 localities. ASTROBLEPIDAE
Astroblepus latidens Eigenmann, 1917 Proc. Am. Philos. Soc., 56(7): 674. Holotype: FMNH 58366 (CM 7362). Colombia:
Piperel. Paratypes: 40. Colombia: 5 localities. ASTROBLEPIDAE
Astroblepus pholeter Collette, 1962 Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 75: 31 1. Paratype. Ecuador. Napo Province, cave in La-
Astroblepus rosei Eigenmann, 1922 Mem. Carnegie Mus., 9(1): 55. Paratype. Peru: Rio Jequetepeque at 1 Lilian. ASTROBLEPIDAE
Astronesthes ijimai Tanaka, 1 908
J. Coll. Sci. Imp. Univ. Tokyo, 23(13): 9. Syntypes (?): 10, FMNH 89100 (CM 4610). Ja- pan: Sagami Sea. These differ from material listed in original publication in being a series of 10 col- lected on 1 June 1907 (versus 5 from May). ASTRONESTHIDAE
Astronotus orbiculatus Haseman, 1911 Ann. Carnegie Mus., 7(3-4): 331. Holotype: FMNH 53992 (CM 2515). Brazil:
Santarem. Paratype. Same locality. CICHLIDAE
Astyanax abramoides Eigenmann, 1 909 Ann. Carnegie Mus., 6(1): 21. Holotype: FMNH 52863 (CM 1028). Guyana:
Potaro River at Tumatumari. Paratypes: 78. Guyana: 8 localities. CHARACIDAE
Astyanax aeneus costaricensis Meek, 1914
Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Zool. Ser., 10(10): 105. Syntypes: 203, FMNH 6849 and 7866-7873.
Costa Rica: 8 localities. CHARACIDAE
Astyanax bimaculatus novae Eigenmann, 1911 Ann. Carnegie Mus., 8(1): 175. Holotype (?): FMNH 54641 (CM 3278). Brazil:
Rio Sapon at Prazeres. Paratypes: 23. Brazil: 2 localities. One of the 1 1 specimens in the paratype lot FMNH 54641 could be the illustrated holotype. CHARACIDAE
Astyanax bimaculatus paraguayensis Eigenmann, 1921 Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harv. Coll., 43(3): 256. Syntypes: 36, FMNH 54643-54648 (CM 3280- 3286). Bolivia, Brazil, and Paraguay: 7 lo- calities. Two lots CM 3274 and 3287 with 6 specimens are MISSING. CHARACIDAE
Astyanax daguae Eigenmann, 1913 Indiana Univ. Stud., 18: 23. Holotype: FMNH 5625 1 (CM 5052). Colombia:
Astyanax essequibensis Eigenmann, 1 909 Ann. Carnegie Mus., 6(1): 17. Holotype: FMNH 53519 (CM 1018). Guyana:
Tumatumari. Paratypes: 80. Guyana: 5 localities. CHARACIDAE
Astyanax grandis Meek and Hildebrand, 1912 Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Zool. Ser., 10(6): 67. Holotype: FMNH 7571. Panama: Rio Juan Diaz. Paratypes: 196. Panama: 7 localities. CHARACIDAE
Astyanax albeolus Eigenmann, 1 908
Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harv. Coll., 52(6): 97. Holotype: FMNH 6241. Costa Rica: Rio Ma-
Astyanax guaporensis Eigenmann, 1911 Ann. Carnegie Mus., 8(1): 176. Holotype: FMNH 54709 (CM 3351). Brazil: Rio
Guapore at Maciel. Paratype. Same locality. CHARACIDAE
Astyanax aurocaudatus Eigenmann, 1913 Indiana Univ. Stud., 18: 26. Holotype: FMNH 56882 (CM 5 1 62). Colombia:
Boquia. Paratypes: 3. Same locality. CHARACIDAE
Astyanax guianensis Eigenmann, 1909 Ann. Carnegie Mus., 6(1): 16. Holotype: FMNH 53518 (CM 1013). Guyana:
Warraputa. Paratypes: 45. Guyana: 3 localities. CHARACIDAE
Astyanax gymnogenys Eigenmann, 1911 Ann. Carnegie Mus., 8(1): 179. Holotype: FMNH 54707 (CM 3350). Brazil: Rio
Iguacu at Porto Uniao. Paratype. Same locality. CHARACIDAE
Astyanax mucronatus Eigenmann, 1909 Ann. Carnegie Mus., 6(1): 19. Holotype: FMNH 53520 (CM 1025). Guyana:
Potaro River at Tumatumari. Paratypes: 7. Guyana: 2 localities. CHARACIDAE
Astyanax hasemani Eigenmann, 1914 Indiana Univ. Stud., 19: 10. Holotype: FMNH 56659 (CM 5476). Brazil:
Porto Alegre. Paratypes: 6. Same locality. CHARACIDAE
Astyanax heterurus Eigenmann and Wilson, 1914 In: Eigenmann, Henn, and Wilson, Indiana Univ. Stud., 19: 11. Holotype: FMNH 56577 (CM 5392). Colombia:
Astyanax kompi Hildebrand, 1938
Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Zool. Ser., 22(4): 260. Paratypes: 6. Panama: Volcan, Laguna Gulnar
Astyanax magdalenae Eigenmann and Henn, 1916 Ann. Carnegie Mus., 10(1-2): 89. Holotype: FMNH 57006 (CM 5822). Colombia:
Astyanax marionae Eigenmann, 1911 Ann. Carnegie Mus., 8(1): 175. Holotype: FMNH 547 1 1 (CM 3353). Brazil: near
Sao Luiz de Caceres. Paratypes: 8. Brazil: 2 localities. CHARACIDAE
Astyanax metae Eigenmann, 1914 Indiana Univ. Stud., 19: II. Holotype: FMNH 56640 (CM 5457). Colombia:
Rio Negro at Villavicencio. Paratypes: 2. Same locality. CHARACIDAE
Astyanax mutator Eigenmann, 1 909 Ann. Carnegie Mus., 6(1): 18. Holotype: FMNH 52688 (CM 1023). Guyana:
Potaro River at Savanah Landing. Paratypes: 61. Guyana: 2 localities. CHARACIDAE
Astyanax nasutus Meek, 1907
Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Zool. Ser., 7(4): 108. Holotype: FMNH 5909. Nicaragua: Lago Ma- nagua at Managua. Paratypes: 15. Nicaragua: 2 localities. CHARACIDAE
Astyanax notemigonoides Fowler, 1911 Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 63: 506. Paratype. Ecuador: near Bucay. CHARACIDAE
Astyanax paranahybae Eigenmann, 1911 Ann. Carnegie Mus., 8(1): 177. Holotype: FMNH 54714 (CM 3356). Brazil: Rio
Paranahyba. CHARACIDAE
Astyanax potaroensis Eigenmann, 1 909 Ann. Carnegie Mus., 6(1): 22. Holotype: FMNH 52695 (CM 1037). Guyana:
Potaro River at Amatuk Cataract. Paratypes: 7. Guyana: 3 localities. CHARACIDAE
Astyanax regani Meek, 1 909
Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Zool. Ser., 7(7): 207. Holotype: FMNH 6257. Costa Rica: Las Carias. CHARACIDAE
Astyanax microlepis Eigenmann, 1913 Indiana Univ. Stud., 18: 24. Holotype: FMNH 56209 (CM 500 1 ). Colombia:
Piedra de Moler. Paratypes: 843. Colombia: 5 localities. CHARACIDAE
Astyanax ribeirae Eigenmann, 1911 Ann. Carnegie Mus., 8(1): 177. Holotype: FMNH 54725 (CM 3368). Brazil:
Xiririca. Paratypes: 103. Brazil: 4 localities. CHARACIDAE
Astyanax robustus Meek, 1912
Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Zool. Ser., 10(7): 69. Holotype: FMNH 7682. Costa Rica: Virginia
River. Paratypes (?): 1 16. Costa Rica. See comment in Grey (1947, pp. 122-123); status of various paratypes uncertain. CHARACIDAE
Astyanax ruberrimus Eigenmann, 1913 Indiana Univ. Stud., 18: 25. Holotype: FMNH 56 1 22 (CM 49 1 2). Colombia:
Istmina. Paratypes: 315. Colombia: 4 localities. CHARACIDAE
Astyanax scabripinnis paranae Eigenmann, 1914 Indiana Univ. Stud., 20: 47. Paratypes: 307. Brazil: 10 localities. CHARACIDAE
Astyanax scierus Fowler, 1911
Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 63: 509. Paratype. Ecuador: near Bucay. CHARACIDAE
Atherina evermanni Eigenmann, 1903
Bull. U.S. Fish Comm. 1902, 22: 228. Paratypes: 5. Cuba: 2 localities. ATHERINIDAE
Atherina insularum Jordan and Evermann, 1903 Bull. U.S. Fish Comm. 1902, 22: 170. Paratype. Hawaiian Islands: Honolulu. ATHERINIDAE
Atherina ovalaua Herre, 1935
Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Zool. Ser., 18(12): 401. Holotype: FMNH 17272. Fiji Islands: Ovalau
Island. Paratypes: 33. Fiji Islands: 2 localities. ATHERINIDAE
Atherinichthys nouhuysi Weber, 1910 Notes Leiden Mus., 32: 229. Syntypes: 2, FMNH 52500 (CM 758). New
Guinea: Lorentz River, Alkmaar. ATHERINIDAE
Atherinops affinis littoralis Hubbs, 1918 Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., 38(13): 426. Holotype: FMNH 2064. California: San Diego
Bay, North Island. Paratypes: 5. California: 3 localities. ATHERINIDAE
Atherinops insularum cedroscensis Hubbs, 1918 Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., 38(13): 434. Paratypes: 2. Mexico: Baja California, Islas Ce-
Atherinops insularum guadalupae Hubbs, 1918 Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., 38(13): 435. Paratypes: 2. Mexico: Baja California, Isla Gua- dalupe. ATHERINIDAE
Atherion elymus aphrozoicus Schultz, 1953 Bull. U.S. Natl. Mus., 202(1): 295. Paratype. Philippine Islands: Tara Island. ATHERINIDAE
Atherion elymus freyi Schultz, 1953 Bull. U.S. Natl. Mus., 202(1): 292. Paratypes: 2. Guam: 2 localities. ATHERINIDAE
Atuona tricuspid at a Herre, 1935
Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Zool. Ser., 18(12): 429. Holotype: FMNH 17356. Marquesas Islands:
Hiva Oa Island, Autona. Paratypes: 4. Same locality. GOBIIDAE
Auchenipterus brevior Eigenmann, 1912 Mem. Carnegie Mus., 5: 202. Holotype: FMNH 53249 (CM 1715). Guyana:
Tumatumari. Paratypes: 6. Same locality. AUCHENIPTERIDAE
Auchenipterus demerarae Eigenmann, 1912 Mem. Carnegie Mus., 5: 202. Holotype: FMNH 53248 (CM 1714). Guyana:
Wismar. Paratype. Guyana: Malali. AUCHENIPTERIDAE
Awaous decemlineatus Eigenmann, 1917 Proc. Am. Philos. Soc., 56(7): 686. Holotype: FMNH 58476 (CM 7478). Colombia:
Quibdo. Paratypes: 9. Colombia: 2 localities. GOBIIDAE
Aztecula mexicana Meek, 1902
Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Zool. Ser., 3(6): 81. Holotype: FMNH 3606. Mexico: Rio Mocte-
zuma at San Juan del Rio. Paratypes: 220. Same locality. CYPRINIDAE
Barbatula toni posteroventralis Nichols, 1 925 Am. Mus. Nov., 171: 4. Paratypes: 3. China: Shansi, Kwei-hwan. COBITIDAE
Barbatula yarkandensis sellaefer Nichols, 1925 Am. Mus. Nov., 171: 4. Paratypes: 3. China: Shansi, Chin-ssu. COBITIDAE
Barbuligobius boehlkei Lachner and McKinney, 1974
Copeia, 1974(4): 871. Paratype. Sri Lanka: Galle. GOBI I DAE
Barbus akeleyi Hubbs, 1918
Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Zool. Ser., 1 2(2): 1 3. Holotype: FMNH 6106. Kenya: Athi River. Paratypes: 12. Same locality. CYPRINIDAE
Barbus anoplus Weber, 1897 Zool. Jahrb., 10: 151. Syntypes: 3, FMNH 52397 (CM 653). South
Africa: Buffels River near Laingsburg. CYPRINIDAE
Barbus athi Hubbs, 1918
Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Zool. Ser., 12(2): 10. Holotype: FMNH 6108. Kenya: Athi River. Paratypes: 63. Same locality. CYPRINIDAE
Barbus bantolanensis Day, 1914 Philipp. J. Sci., 9(2): 188. Paratypes: 12. Philippine Islands: Palawan Is- land, Lake Manguao. CYPRINIDAE
Barbus bifrenatus Fowler, 1935
Ann. Transvaal Mus., 16(2): 266. Paratypes: 10. Botswana: Tsotsoroga Pan. CYPRINIDAE
Barbus carens Boulenger, 1912
Ann. Mus. Congo Beige Ser. Quarto Zool., Ser. 1, 2(3): 15. Syntype: FMNH 56148 (CM 4939). Zaire: Le-
buzi River at Kuka Muno. CYPRINIDAE
Barbus fit/simonsi Fowler, 1935
Ann. Transvaal Mus., 16(2): 267. Paratypes: 15. Botswana: 2 localities. CYPRINIDAE
Barbus helleri Hubbs, 1918
Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Zool. Ser., 12(2): 12. Holotype: FMNH 6105. Kenya: Athi River. Paratypes: 103. Same locality. CYPRINIDAE
Barbus oatesii Boulenger, 1 893
Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., Ser. 6, 12: 201. Syntypes: 2, FMNH 5708. Burma: Nampandet. CYPRINIDAE
Barbus tsotsorogensis Fowler, 1935 Ann. Transvaal Mus., 16(2): 265. Paratypes: 23. Botswana: 2 localities. CYPRINIDAE
Bathybagrus tetranema Bailey and Stewart, 1984
Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 168:1 1.
Paratypes: 2. Zambia: